Thursday 23 February 2012

Impersonating a Padller

Some times things in life change. Sometimes things happen out of your control. Sometimes life reminds you of thing you love but you just forgot about them.

For years ave been mosseee the climber dude, you know what i still am but i all so love paddling cause its good old wholesome fun.

I forgot about it, luckily i've had the chance to work with some amazing coaches, these coaches have inspire me and Hannah to boat.

It also had me thinking what makes a good coach? There is only one answer to fully inspire.

So what else is happening in our mad cap world? well at the minute we are on a five week road trip with AITP, a college course from duchy college. We've done a weeks paddling in South Wales now we are in North Wales doing Prep for an ML next week. So till then Peace out Brother.

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