Sun's out. Best go west. So we did and it was worth it. The thing is to go on trips all the time you need to balance work, play and training. So working the past two week ends at the Barn helped. Its interesting work, working with the Barn Youth Climbing Club. They are working there way thought the NICAS scheme. Having only done some work with scheme i am more and more impressed with it. Obviously it ideal for an indoor environment, but i do feel it needs some outdoor elements, an intro to sports would be easy to fit around the scheme plus its in the great outdoors.
Being in the barn all weekend it was hard to believe so many people visit during such glorious weather. There is an up side, no one on our crags.
Until. When walking into Bosigran I was livid to see someone climbing on Porthmiona Island, during the nesting session. Then when on the top decided to "have a chat" with there mate on Door post. How can such stupidity exist. Well It was a University climbing club.
Thing is there are some birds around some nesting, some not. Chair Ladder is covered in bird shit and nest's but not many nesting yet, Black Head on the lizard has ravens nesting on Archangel and shags nesting on the wall of holds.
Tater Du has nothing on it except the large nest that is usually on Martell's Direct finish is there didn't see any thing flying around though.
Well the exhaust fell of my van, got a crack steering rack gaiter so have to go north to work Arse. Well we will be back soon
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